<title> How to make a Nice piano rap beat.
<h2>How to make a Nice piano rap beat.
In this tutorial I am going to show you how to make a
simple piano freestyle beat.This is for beginners with little or no experience in FL studio.
You'll be surprised how easy it can be, as well as at the beats you will soon be producing.
People will be hittin' you up for beats in no time. Enjoy.
<p> </p>
<h3> Step 1 </h3>
<p> </p>
<b> Lower the tempo. </b>
When you open FL studio, the tempo is automatically set to 140 bpm. (beats per minute)
Tempos for freestyle beats vary for rapper and producer. You can change the tempo
later on to better fit your own styles and sounds, or for someone that you may be
recording. You can change your tempo by clicking your mouse pointer
over it and dragging it up or down.I like to start with a tempo of around 93 bpm. <br>
It should look like this:
<p> </p><img src=http://upload-free.com/images/77272987446697057754.jpg
<h3> Step 2 </h3>
<b> Load your drum samples.</b> Since this is a tutorial for beginners,
I am going to only going to load 4 basic samples. I will use FL Studio stock samples from the hip-hop kit. (FL 9 users-Packs/Legacy/hip-hop, Before fl 9-packs/hip-hop)
Load samples into channels by clicking the sample you want in the browser on the left hand side
and dragging onto prefered channel. I will load the following samples:
HIP_Kick_2, Hip_Kick_3, HIP_hat_6, and HIP_snare_3. You can choose different samples that suit the
sounds you are looking for. There are many free drum samples available online.<br>
So far it should look something like this: <p> </p> <img src=http://upload-free.com/images/79028209223037862463.jpg>
<p> </p>
<h3> Step 3 </h3>
<b> Fill in your snares. </b> Generally snares for rap/hip-hop beats
are on the 5th and 13th squares of each bar of the step sequencer. I like to fill in my snares
first because it makes it much easier and quicker to find the "smoothness"
of the beat, and you will find that it is easier to put in the kicks. The length of your loop
can be changed by dragging your mouse pointer over the image in the top
left hand side of the step sequencer. I am going to change this one to 8.
So far, with snares in place, It should look like this:<p> </p> <img src=http://upload-free.com/images/39219732135766947663.jpg>
<h3> Step 4 </h3>
<b> Adding the main kicks. </b> Start by adding a kick on the first and 11th squares of each bar, and then add kicks
to personalize your beat. This is what mine looks like so far:<p> </p> <img src= http://upload-free.com/images/66313028137939569139.jpg><br>
<h3> Step 5 </h3>
<b> Adding the "ghost" kicks. </b> Adding some ghost kicks to your beat will make it
sound better and give it that extra kick, however it's important not to add to much.
I added my ghost kicks here: <p> </p> <img src= http://upload-free.com/images/66223234888449061629.jpg>
<h3> Step 6 </h3>
<b> Adding the hi-hat. </b> For this tutorial, I am going to use a simple hi-hat pattern. You can change the complexity if you'd like. Right click your high-hat channel
then click "fill each two steps." Starting to Sound better, right?
So it should be looking like this: <p> </p> <img src= http://upload-free.com/images/29972463746014364473.jpg>
<h3> Step 7 </h3>
<b> Linking channels to the mixer.</b>
By now, if you followed correctly, your beat should be sounding pretty good. However, there are
a few effects that will make it sound great. Start by opening the mixer by clicking the mixer icon
at the top of the screen. What we need to do before we add effects is link the channels to the
mixer. To do this, simply select the channel that you want to add, go back to the mixer, right click which track you want, (where it says insert)
and click: Link Selected channels to this track. Link all four channels to the first four tracks. You should now see
the names of the channels on the tracks you linked them to.The mixer should look like this: <p> </p> <img src=http://upload-free.com/images/31304963857700965793.jpg>
<h3> Step 8 </h3>
<b> Adding effects to tracks on the mixer.</b>
Now, let's get that beat sounding cleaner. Start by selecting the first track,
which should say:HIP_Kick_2. On the right hand side of the mixer there are
8 slots to add different effects, and below that there are three levers.
Bring the middle lever up slightly. As you can tell, it makes that kick hit a little harder.
Adjust it to your desired level. Now, click on of the arrows in the effects slot,
and select "fruity bass boost." this is not necesary, but I find that it
gives your bass that extra kick and it sounds great on a sub woofer. When bass boost is selected,
you will see an amount and frequency knobs. Adjust to your desires. Do the same thing to HIP_Kick_3.
So by now, both Kicks should look something like this in the mixer: <img src=http://upload-free.com/images/44701554781441359419.jpg>
<p> </p>
Now, for the hi-hat and snare, we want to add a little reverb. Do this by selecting the tracks, and then selectiong reverb in one of the effect slots for each track.
You don't want to much reverb, So turn down the volume on the selected reverb slot. So, it should look something like this: <img src=http://upload-free.com/images/61831133825964401601.jpg>
<h3> Step 9 </h3>
<b> Putting your beat on the playlist. </b>
The playlist is what you use to put patterns together to create your song.
Open the playlist icon at the top of your screen by clicking the playlist icon. (It kinda looks like a flag.)
You will see this: <img src= http://upload-free.com/images/72868236900797406704.jpg>
<p> </p> Now, rename "pattern 1" Beat by right clicking and selecting rename. Thos will make it easier
when you are working on more complex tracks. When you move your mouse over the grid on the playlist, your cursor will turn into a paint tool.
Paint in your "beat" pattern about to times. Should look like this:
<img src=http://upload-free.com/images/07518905340116960421.jpg> Now go up by the play button and click "song" instead of "pattern". Pressing play will make the playlist play now, not the pattern.
<h3> Step 10 </h3>
<b> Creating a melody. </b>
By now, your probably pretty satisfied with your drum pattern. Now it's time to add a melody.
Go to Pattern #2. Right Click a channel in the step sequencer and select add channel, then select FL keys. Link it to a mixer track, and add reverb. There are a few
different ways to add the melody. You can record it straight into a pattern, using a USB keyboard, (thats what I use) or using musical typing.
Alternitivley you can drop the notes straight into the piano roll. I will be doing the latter today. I am going to right click The FL keys channel
then select piano roll. It will look like this: <img src=http://upload-free.com/images/88450851840860380905.jpg>
<p> </p> On the left hand side you see the keys, and the grid is when the keys are played. You can use chords or notes, or chords and single notes. I will be using chords.
A chord is when three or more notes are played together harmonously.
Add new notes to the piano roll while playing the playlist. Here is what I have so far: <img src=ad-free.com/images/99042753093002427258.jpg>
Notice the green blocks where I put the notes? Now Notice the lines underneath it. This is the velocity. It sounds unnatural as it is, so I am going to
make it sound a little better by making each chord a little quieter than the previous. Now it looks like this: <img src=http://upload-free.com/images/61359155259614214186.jpg>
As you can see, The iniear lowing of the velocity makes it sound more like someones playing it,
and makes the piano sound overall better. go to the playlist and rename Pattern 2, Melody 1 and paint it in to match up with the beat.
<h3> Step 11 </h3>
<b> Adding another melody. </b>
Since I used chords in my beat, I am now going to create another pattern
of notes to go along with the chords in melody 1. Select pattern 3.Go into the piano roll
for FL keys again. I will be adding a melody using they Notes that I used to play the chords.
My 2nd melody looks like this, an is an octave higher than the first: <img src=http://upload-free.com/images/44732316819322655524.jpg>
It is important to take your time while changing the velocity of the notes for this melody.
I have done it so that it sounds more real like I did in melody 1. Rename pattern 3 melody 2.So far, so good.
<h3> Step 12 </h3>
<b> Adding some bass. </b>
Now its time to get this baby slumpin'. In pattern 4, right click a channel and insert "boobass". When boobass is open,
Turn the BASS knob all the way up and the MID and TREBLE Knobs all the way down. it should look like this: <p> </p><img src=http://upload-free.com/images/27186655734937240380.jpg>
I like to synchronize my bass with the kick drums, so the easyest way to do this is go to beat pattern (pattern 1) send themain kicks to the piano roll,
Copy them, then paste it in pattern 4 in boobass piano roll. Then you can change the bass notes to harmonize with the song.Feel free to add bass boost to boobass in the mixer. Not to much though. Rename this Pattern, "Bass". My bass notes look like this: <p> </p><img src= http://upload-free.com/images/67047412401529467222.jpg>
<p> </p>
<h3> Step 13 </h3>
<b> Creating an intro </b> I try to make some pretty dope intros. For this song, I am going to use a reverse crash.
Go into packs-legacy and find the dance folder. Drag DNC_Crash into a channel. Click on DNC crash so you are in the channel settings. Under the SMP tab, go to the bottom and click the square that says reverse. Then Click the tab INS and under tab VOL, Turn every knob down except for the hold, which should be turned all the way up.
This will make it easier to syncronize the reverse crash with the beat. This is what it should look like: <img src=http://upload-free.com/images/94252299267033729970.jpg>
Now go to Channel 5. Select the DNC Crash and go to the piano roll. Syncronize the crash to the beat, so that when one loop is ending the crash Kind of brings the next loop in. My Reverse Crash looks like this: <p> </p><img src=http://upload-free.com/images/38239729457732635207.jpg>
Rename the Channel revCrash. Now go to channel six, Load another DNC_crash in a new channel but do not reverse it. Fill the first square.
<h3> Step 14 </h3>
<b> Putting together the playlist. </b>
Great Job! If your beat is sounding anything like mine, Then you must be pretty satisfied withit so far.
Now it is time to put together the playlist so the song mixes well. I am going to start by Taking the BEAT pattern and BASS pattern out of the first two bars.
Your playlist should look something like this: <p> </p> <img src= http://upload-free.com/images/80341950527271519372.jpg>
Now we are going to add the Reverse and regular Crash. Put them so they look like this: <p> </p> <img src http://upload-free.com/images/87421769756983467429.jpg>
Now it's time to bring in the bass and beat. Paint all the channels into the playlist except the
crashes so your playlist looks like this: <p> </p><img src=http://upload-free.com/images/35769918353641160115.jpg
<br> You can make the beat as long as you like.
<h3> Step 15 </h3>
<b> Fading out. </b>
Well, we have come a long way from the start. We have an intro, a good melody, and a good bassline. Now we need to end our beat.
I am going to show you how to fade your song out. It's really easy. After you have made your song as long as you want it, Go up to the main volume lever, right click, and select create automation clip.
Now open the playlist back up. You will see something that looks like this: <p> </p> <img src=http://upload-free.com/images/85980308632790873189.jpg> <br>
What you want to do now is Right Click on the line where you want it to start fading out, then drag the end of the line all he way down, so it looks like this: <p> </p> <img src=http://upload-free.com/images/84258868835563684769.jpg><br>
<h3> Step 16 </h3>
<b> Finishing touches. </b> We are almost done! Go into the mixer, clcik master, select
"fruity stereo enhancer" in an effects slot. Export your song.
now BUMP it!
<embed src=" autostart="true" loop="false" width="350" height="200">
Download my end result here: <a href='http://www.mediafire.com/?43apntvxx2y7cro'>http://www.mediafire.com/?43apntvxx2y7cro</a>

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