They say you can do anything if you put your mind to it. Here's proof. This video will show you how you can make music by connecting a brain wave sensor to electronic music software. Using the Mindset EEG device, processing, and MIDI you can make a beat with your own brainwave frequencies.
This SUPER cool video shows how to make some fantastic percussion instruments out of items you can easily find around your house, or for cheap around your neighborhood. From plastic pails, PVC pipes, tin cans, buckets, 45 gallon drums and more. This video is short, but very inspiring when you see what cool things you can build on your own. Musical instruments can cost thousands of dollars, but with this video you can make dozens of instruments from items around your home!
It's music theory time with Andrew Furmanczyk. With this in depth and informative lesson, Andrew will show you four various music score types, (Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Bass). You'll learn how to write them, how to read them and what they mean in the world of music composition and performance. Note for note, this guy teaches it pitch perfect!
Is your family's dinner conversation making you more bored than the last time you visited your great Aunt Edna's sewing room and she gave you a two-hour tour? Then find a fun and creative way to get through dinner by checking out this video.
Do you love the sounds of bagpipes? If your like me, you just can't get enough of the rich droning sound of a set of bagpipes, accompanied by the beating of Scottish drumming.
In this tutorial, we learn how to make a kazoo out of a clothespin. This musical instrument can be made at home with just a few minutes. You will need: 2 rubber bands, a clothes pin, and tape. First, take the clothes pin apart and then take one side and wrap both ends with tape. Throw the metal part away, you won't need this anymore. Next, you will take this side and wrap a rubber band across it. Then, put the two flat sides together on top of the pin. Wrap a rubber band around the entire...
Your favorite band is probably one of your greatest emotional outlets, and many people spend their whole lives dreaming of hanging out backstage with the band that changed their life. Wait no longer. This video will give you some great tips to help you get backstage without a pass and party like a rockstar.
In this video, we learn how to do rolling vibrato on the erhu. Vibrato is a series of deliberate and controlled finger and hand movements. It is not convulsing or vibrating your hand to create the desired effect. First, you will need to learn finger movement. You will want to roll down and roll up as one nod once you are comfortable. Start with 1 nod per beat, then progress to doing 3 nods per beat as you become more familiar with the instrument. Next, you will need to learn bowing by setting...
In this video, we learn how to change the strings on the erhu. First, loosen and remove the inner string. After this, take and unwind the new inner string. Then, take the end with the loop and put it through the Qianjing. Then, loop it in the screw at the bottom of the erhu. Then fold the tip of the other end of the string and put it through the hole in the first peg. Then, loop the string one and push the tip into the hole. Now turn the peg clockwise to tighten it. Repeat this for all the...
In this video, we learn how to tie the qianjing on a erhu. First, measure and cut 60 inches of Qian Jin string, then place one end on the neck and make a downward loop. After this, loop the rest of the Qian Jin over the neck, across the loop which you just made. Then, loop five times around the neck going down. Loop over the strings then use the thumb to space the strings between the neck. Next, move another five strings around the poll in the same direction. To finish, tie the end of the loop...
In this tutorial, we learn how to play the ruan, a Chinese Lute. First, sit on 2/3 of the chair, then rest the ruan on the lap, slanting it 45 degrees to the left. For the left hand position rest the thumb at the back of the neck and allow the other fingers to curve into a ball shape. use the fingertips to press into the strings. Do not pull the strings when pressing or the pitch will be messed up. Also, do not rest the palm onto the neck of the ruan. Use the pick between the thumb and pointer...
You can easily rosin your erhu bow. To do this first take the cake of rosin and rub it back and forth on the one part of the bow until you get rosin powder on the hair of the bow. Now go the next part of the bow and do
the same and keep doing it until you've done the outer part of the bow and then move on to inner bow. So hold its end with one hand and put it on your lap and rub the rosin on the bow hair with other hand. Stretch the bow by using your left hand when you are rosin the bow.
In this tutorial, we learn how to wear pipa nails on your fingers to play a pipa. First, place the nail on your natural nail with the bases matching up. After this, wrap the tape around your finger until it reaches the end. Then, press down on the tape to secure the nail. After you do this, continue to repeat the process for all of your nails. It should be easiest to start with the thumb nail and continue on down to the pinkie nail. do this for the opposite hand when finished with one, then you...
In this video, we learn how to fix dimo flute membrane. First, slice open a tube of dimo and cut a piece big enough to cover the dizi hole. Next, crumple and crease the dimo for better sound. Now, wet the area around the dizi hole with water and rub a piece of Jiao around the dizi hole. After this, spread with glue and paste the dimo over the hole making little creases that run perpendicular to the dizi hole. After this, try it out and see how your dizi sounds, if it sounds dull, press lightly...
In this video, we learn how to read fiddle tablature. These will have an A part and a B part on them. You may see a repeat part along with a part that is written out more than once. A tablature shows what strings to play on and what finger to use instead of using notes. A "1" indicates putting the finger on the first string, and so on for the different numbers. Bar lines measure off a certain number of beats in each bar. Count the different beats and learn where the divided beats are so you...
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to bow the Erhu. When playing this instrument, keep the shoulders and both arms relaxed. The elbow moves the arm, the arm moves the wrist, the wrist moves the fingers and the fingers move the bow. There is a slight twitch of the wrist on attack of each stroke. The only pressure point is where you hold the bow. Practice bowing the whole length of the bow. Practice with various speeds. This video will benefit those viewers who are interested in playing...
In this video, we learn how to attach guzheng nails onto your fingers. You will need: set of 4 guzhen nails and surgical tape to do this. First, place the nail on the underside of your finger with the tip protruding. Next, take a strip of surgical take and stick it onto the nail at one end, then roll over your finger. The tape should go over your finger 2.5 times. Make sure the tape isn't too loose or tight, and that it's just right around the finger. Repeat this process on all of the nails,...
You can play beautiful, traditional music on an elderberry flute, just how the Native Americans have done since ancient times. Crafting a flute out of elderberry wood is a quick and easy project.
In this video, we learn how to play the dizi, a Chinese bamboo flute. First, fine the mouth hole where you place your mouth. After this, look to see the different finger holes that are on the side of the flute. At the end, you will see air vents that are not to be confused with the finger holes. To prepare the flute, you can twist it so the pitch is changed when you play it. Now, place your fingers along the finger holes and start to blow into the mouth opening. After you do this, you will be...
In this tutorial, we learn how to play a ghost catcher. First, you want to place your index finger on the top of the end of the ghost catcher, then use your other fingers to help hold it. Now, place your mouth on the other end of the instrument. You will pick the strings with your right hand and put the ghost catcher in the left corner of your mouth. Start strumming with your index finger, while still holding it with your other hand. Push your thumb the opposite way, going down instead of up....
In this tutorial, Andew "Tank" Lanning takes to the streets of South Africa for a step by step on how to blow that vuvuzela. So, get up and participate in the tradition by blowing your own horn this year at the FIFA World Cup finals. You'll want to save up your energy, though! South Africans play this horn for the FULL 90 minute game! Phew!
If you're having a hard time reading music and sheet music, this tutorial is here to help. In the video you'll get a near eight minute lesson on what certain symbols mean and how to interpret them when they are on sheet music. It's eay to follow and will make life a bit more easier when playing music. Good luck and enjoy!
What are you doing this Cinco de Mayo? If you are celebrating this tequila filled holiday, you will no doubt have tons of fun with these maracas.Maracas are traditional Mexican instruments and they are quite easy to make. In this tutorial, learn how to make these fun noise makers from scratch.This task is so fun that you can do it with your whole family. Kids will love these funky party favors and they will be sturdy enough to keep for many more celebrations to come.So, whether you are...
This Music & Instruments video tutorial shows how to properly roll guitar & mic cables. Master Doug from Tech Support demonstrates how to do this in this video. First remove all the kinks from the cable before rolling it. Put one end of the cable in one hand; say in the left hand and with the right hand make loops and place them in the left hand. Make sure you don't entangle the cable while doing this. If the cable is longer, do this process by placing the cable on the ground. Make sure that...
This is a video demonstrating how to properly coil a guitar cable. First some incorrect ways of folding the cable are shown. One should not wrap the cable around the forearm, pick it up in a ball, or wrap it like a lasso around the hand. The correct way is demonstrated by taking a section between the thumb and index finger, rolling the index finger toward you, then making another loop by rolling the index finger away from you. This process is repeated until the entire cable is coiled. ...
This video explains how to change a string of guzheng. The process is well described in the video with each and every steps clearly. The thing that is to be done is loosen the peg in a an anticlockwise direction using a tuning tool to remove the string. Thus remove it. If there is no string to begin with then loosen the tuning first before fitting a new string. Than take a new string and insert the pointed end through the hole from the back of the guzheng. To get it on other side pull it...
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to play the erhu in the left-handed position. The erhu is a two-stringed bowed musical instrument, used as a solo instrument, in small ensembles and in large orchestras. Viewers learn basic tips such as: do not grip tightly, elbow and arms should be relaxed and hung down by sides fingers should be pointing downwards. This video will benefit those viewers who are left-handed and wish to learn how to play the erhu.
This is a strictly for fun and comical video tutorial that teaches you how to make a musical instrument specifically a "kazoo" with a gas mask. A kazoo is a wind instrument which adds a buzzing sound to a player's voice. This makes a creepy sound effect to a mask. You simply remove specific parts of the mask to turn it into a kazoo. The video also has a great finale where the performers use the kazoo masks to sing the acapella version of "The Lion Sleeps Tonight".
Make making music with your own anatomy easy with the fancy finger pop shown in this how-to video. You may remember this famous finger popping sound from such movies as "Ferris Bueller's Day Off." In any case, the finger pop sound is a fun party trick or a way to annoy people-it's your call. Check out this quick video lesson, and you'll soon be finger popping like a pro.
Taxi drivers passing you by? The finger whistle may seem difficult, but with a little practice, and the pointers in this video tutorial, anyone can master it. Watch, practice, and you'll learn how to wolf whistle with the best of 'em.
MAKE and Collin Cunningham brings the do-it-yourself mindset to all the technology in your life. Make Magazine celebrates your right to tweak, hack, and bend any technology to your own will.
This guy is teaching everyone how to whistle with his fingers. This technique uses two fingers, requires you to roll your tongue into a C shape, bottom lip loose and top lip firm and rolled. This is for optimal whistle sound and loudness.
Jew's harp, a single-tone archaic instrument. Siberian (Potkin's) species. Introduction lesson (about Jew's harp, positioning, making simple sounds). This is a basic instrument that you can buy at a novelty store or online. It's cheap and has a distinct sound.
Watch as Kipkay from MAKE Magazine shows you how to make something really cool for your music skills, with parts from RadioShack. Everybody's heard of them, but nobody has one or knows how to play one... a theremin. You could be the exception as you see how to build your very own optical theremin to play the air around you. Wait, this is optical which means you'll be making that beautiful music with light, like a flashlight.
Choose a musical instrument to play by assessing your skills and talents in relation to that instrument. Pick a musical instrument with tips from a professional musician in this free video on music.
This is a demonstration on how to play the Hurdy Gurdy, a medieval musical instrument, by Wyndebagge, at an English Heritage Living History event at Kenilworth Castle. A gurdy is a medieval word for your bottom and hurdy means turn, so swing your bottom, swing your pants. This is a dance instrument used for medieval raves. Impress your friends by surprising them with your secret talents of playing the hurdy gurdy!
Want to learn how to play the dulcimer? The dulcimer is a beautiful instrument of the zither family, that is often used in folk music. In this tutorial you can learn how to play a short piece called "Dave Sewell's Interlude" written for luthier, Dave Luthier. "Dave Sewell's Inetrlude" uses the chords D / / / DM7 / / / G6 / / / A7 / / /G6 / / / Bm / / / Em / A7 / D / / / With this how to video you can play the warm chords from "Dave Sewell's Interlude" on the dulcimer.
So you want to learn to play music but not sure which of the thousands of instruments is right for you? no problem. Here are a few that might tickle the musical bone in your body.
The songo drum beat pattern is an intricate and dynamic interaction of various rhythms. Learn a few variations for playing the songo drum beat pattern from a professional drum teacher in this free video series.
How to play the tambura; get professional tips and instruction from an expert on playing stringed instruments and lyres in this free music lesson video series.
A cue shows an entrance for a player or whole section. Learn about ways in which conductors cue orchestra members in this free conducting lesson from an experienced conductor.
String instruments make up a large part of many orchestras and include the violins, violas, cellos and double bass. Learn all about the characteristics and history of string instruments with tips from a composer in this free music video series.
The roots of the sitar extend back 2000 years, with the modern sitar originating in the Middle Ages. Learn to play the sitar from an authentically trained player in this free sitar video lesson.
Learn how you can make a homemade theramin using three radios with this tutorial. Before buying a professional theramin instrument, you can practice playing this 3 radio arrangement. Find out if you are a gifted theremin player before investing in an expensive theramin.
Watch this music how-to video to learn how to read musical notation or sight read. This instructional video is very detailed and includes types of notes, tempo, and the staff. Reading music will be easy once you've watched this helpful music notation tutorial video.
A Cuíca (pronounced KWEE-kah) is a Brazilian friction drum often used in samba music. This 3 part how to video will teach you to make a Cuíca with household objects. You will need a plastic or paper cup, string or twine, a paper clip and cloth. This is a perfect project for children.
A membranophone is any musical instrument which produces sound primarily by way of a vibrating stretched membrane. This 3 part how to video teaches you how you can make an inexpensive mebranophone made from household items. All you need is a water bottle, a latex glove or vinyl glove or a balloon, and a straw. Learn how to make this fun musical instrument with this tutorial. This project is perfect for children.
Learn how to play the most famous of ALL ancient Jewish melodies on King David's Lyre; "Hatikvah" - "The Hope" This ancient melody was later to be made the official National Anthem of Israel.
In this lesson,you will learn how to play one of the most famous of ALL Jewish songs; "Hevenu Shalom Aleichem". The transliteration from Hebrew, and the translation into English of the words of this song is as follows:
In this lesson, I'm going to show all you lovely "Levite Wannabes" out there, how to play the beautiful Shabbat melody, "Ma Tovu". The translation into English from the timeless Hebrew text of this haunting song is as follows: