Hot Other Instruments How-Tos

How To: Read music notation

Watch this music how-to video to learn how to read musical notation or sight read. This instructional video is very detailed and includes types of notes, tempo, and the staff. Reading music will be easy once you've watched this helpful music notation tutorial video.

How To: Make a Cuíca Brazilian percussive instument

A Cuíca (pronounced KWEE-kah) is a Brazilian friction drum often used in samba music. This 3 part how to video will teach you to make a Cuíca with household objects. You will need a plastic or paper cup, string or twine, a paper clip and cloth. This is a perfect project for children. Make a Cuíca Brazilian percussive instument - Part 1 of 3.

How To: Construct a membranophone from a water bottle

A membranophone is any musical instrument which produces sound primarily by way of a vibrating stretched membrane. This 3 part how to video teaches you how you can make an inexpensive mebranophone made from household items. All you need is a water bottle, a latex glove or vinyl glove or a balloon, and a straw. Learn how to make this fun musical instrument with this tutorial. This project is perfect for children. Construct a membranophone from a water bottle - Part 1 of 3.

How To: Play basic intervals on the lyre

This lesson teaches some basics on how to set up the bridge, and a few technical exercises on how to play basic intervals on the lyre. I have tuned the lyre to the melodic minor mode, as the intervals here are much more simple and therefore easier to understand, than the much more exotic Eastern-sounding modes which the lyre can also be tuned to (eg the "Ahava Raba" mode, as discussed in previous lessons).

How To: Play the theremin

In this series of kitsch avante garde instructional music and space sounds videos, our theremin expert explains the basic principles of this bizarre instrument. He also tells you how to operate the controls and even demonstrates how to coax a song out of it. Join Brain Wilson, John Spencer and any number of science fiction soundtrack composers on the evergrowing bandwagon of theremin disciples.

How To: Build and play a theremin

In this series of expert video clips, learn more about the theremin. Our expert goes into detail about what makes up the complicated workings of the theremin including the coils and other components. Get a full history on the musical instrument and learn about the many uses of a theremin. What makes a theremin sound so special? Get answers to this question and many more in our expert instructional videos.

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